
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I think you have to agree that NYC is going too far in trying to legislate health by banning transfats, I mean honestly , what's next? Bacon Prohibition?


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Benedict is proving to be quite interesting. . .

I must admit, I am beginning to rethink some of my early positions on him. . .


Monday, September 11, 2006

Kansas City Embraces New York

I was actually at this game in Kansas City in 2001 and it really was quite something. . .

Well I might take a plane,
I might take a train,
If I have to walk,
I'm going there just the sameI'm going to,
Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come,


Five years ago I was on a flight from Miami back to New York when our country, and my city, was attacked by murderous scoundrels. People I know, and some I've met since, personally lost parents, children and spouses. A young man I vaguely knew in my building never came home that day. A friend of mine lost his wife. I think that as long I live I will never forget being told in Atlantic City (where we had been put down after being told Laguardia was shut down) what had happened. I immediately muttered, "this is huge, it's bigger than Kennedy and bigger than Pearl Harbor. . ."

In fact, I think that it has proved to be just that and while I've admired the way we have collectively handled ourselves in some ways there is much that has disappointed me. I am ashamed of the way the President exploited 9/11 to get re-elected. I am disgusted by the way that Guiliani did the same and how he has parlayed that sad day into a national career.

I have been appalled by the torture and the lies.

I have been surprised by the attempts to blame President Clinton.

I have been greatly saddened by the reaction of some people, including this man who tragically thought that he could find redemption in having his late son's name (who perished in 9/11) put on a bomb and later was troubled to realize that there was no link between Iraq and 9/11. This reasoning, that someone could find redemption through the killing of others only finds it's most blatant incarnation in this man's plans, but I hear it all the time. I was recently told by a friend that I've known for over 25 years that the solution to the problems in the Middle East is to "blow them all up".

The tragedy of that day has led to everything from unabashed exploitation to an excuse for more violence.

And so five years down the line from that horrible day, it pains to say that we have in many ways lost our way. We have made many mistakes and remaining steadfast, keeping our discipline our retaining our most important values remains difficult. I do remain cautiously optimisitic, though, that although things are not great that there is still some hope that we will manage.

Today is a sad day and it is a time for tributes to the victims, but it is also important that on this sad, sad that we take stock of what's happened since and that we cast a critical eye on ourselves.

We lost so much that day, let's not lose anymore.



Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dylan Update

Good to see Dylan back on top where he belongs. The man's oeuvre is beyond staggering. Very interesting interview with him in Rolling Stone this month. It includes this littlbit about Alicia Keys :

"Thunder on the Mountain" also name-checks a certain contemporary singer: "I was thinking 'bout Alicia Keys, I couldn't keep from crying/While she was born in Hell's Kitchen, I was livin' down the line." When I ask Dylan what Keys did "to get into your pantheon," he only chuckles at my precious question. "I remember seeing her on the Grammys. I think I was on the show with her, I didn't meet her or anything. But I said to myself, 'There's nothing about that girl I don't like.' "

On another note, if you haven't heard Dylan's show on XM yet you are missing out.

Finally these interesting pictures of Kate Blanchett as Dylan in his upcoming biopic.

There must be some kind of way out of here,


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Audioslave Update

Audioslave's new album is incredible and seems to be getting received fairly well. More on this to follow but in the meantime you can read a review here, here, here, here and here.

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