
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yanks Land a Big One

Yankees get Abreu. I love this move. Serious lineup upgrade and I like putting Lidle in there as my #5. I am saddened to see CJ Henry traded. I've read a lot of inteviews with him and stuff about him and he seemed potentially promising. I think the Post had something about him after he was drafted or maybe even recently. All in all small prive to pay though. I wouldn't go too crazy giving Cashman credit this is a move that only the Yankees and a few other teams could make. It's about money. It's like giving a billionaire credit for scoring a hot wife. It's like yeah. . . but. . .

It's a beautiful day,

Rumors of their demise have been greatly exaggerrated, Audioslave LIVES!!


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

As we enter into the heart of the dog days of summer I will be traveling and my entries will be a bit more sporadic. I will still be making entries but I apologize in advance for the lack of frequency both for the next few weeks and for the past few. . .

Deepak Chopra wisely asks "Who owns Christianity?" in this interesting piece from the SF Chronicle.


Audioslave's new song Original Fire is available for streaming on their website and can be purchased on iTunes. I really think this band is just getting better and better and they were pretty awesome to begin with. . .


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hillary will support Dem nominee in CT, even on his way out Lieberman causes Dems headaches and troubles. See, Joe, being a selfish prick has consequences. Apparently though, he wants to take out as many with him on the way down. . . What an asshole. . .

And you dare say,
It belongs to you,
This is not for you,


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

ok one more. . . Audioslave doing Killing in the Name, it's not as good, but Cornell gives it the college try and it's at least interesting. . .

fuck you, I won't do what you tell me,

Audioslave Update

Here's a treat: Soundgarden's new song Sound of a Gun being performed live. The quality is, well, not so much, but it's more than enough to get the idea and to realize that you're listening to a monster band perform a fairly awesome song. . . Just about two months until the next album.

Show me how to live,

Let's Get Rid of Lieberman

An e-mail I (and those on his e-mail list) received from the Ned Lamont campaign yesterday.

Dear Moses,

There's been an elephant in the room for quite some time now, but today it's official. In a move meant purely to preserve personal political power, Senator Lieberman announced he will pull petitions for an Independent U.S. Senate run this November. The senator wants to have it both ways, and there will still be a primary on August 8. But the only thing better than the people of Connecticut getting an opportunity to reject President Bush's energy policy, Supreme Court nominees, and failed plan in Iraq, is an opportunity to reject it twice. Will we still win? The answer is an emphatic, "yes!" But it's only possible with your continued, and re-doubled support. https://secure.nedlamont.com/page/contribute No matter how he tries to spin it, the party did not leave Senator Lieberman, it was he who left our shared principles of progress behind en route to becoming "George Bush's favorite Democrat." In fact, Senator Lieberman's high-profile supporters couldn't resist taking a shot at you on their way out the door. "I think to be terrorized through the summer by an extremely small group of the Democratic Party, much less the voting population, is total insanity," former state Dem. Chair John Droney said in the Hartford Courant. This is the kind of demonizing of Democrats you can expect for the rest of the campaign ... get used to it. We need your help now more than ever. https://secure.nedlamont.com/page/contribute Our effort has always been a fight for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party, but Senator Lieberman upped the ante today. Campaigns across the country will take note -- is Republican-lite the path towards reclaiming our country for average Americans, or is standing up for our core Democratic principles? We say it's about vision of progress: a sane foreign policy, health care for all Americans, an increased minimum wage, protecting social security, clean government, and energy independence. The eyes of a nation are upon us now, and we're all in. Are you? https://secure.nedlamont.com/page/contribute
Tom Swan
Campaign Manager, Ned Lamont for U.S. Senate

"‘Desire for nothing except desirelessness, hope for nothing except to rise above all hopes, want nothing and you will have everything’. This was one of the last public statements about Meher Baba I made." - The Great Pete Townshend quoting and talking about his avatar in the liner notes for Empty Glass

Hi on Wade

No, not NBA Finals MVP Dwayne Wade, but VTSM's new video.

We're on the way now,

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